Friday, March 20, 2009

Paperwork Begins!

We've started this paper chase rather slowly...not quite sure why or how it's worked out that way. But I started prepping our I-600A (Application for Advance Processing of Orphan Petition). Filing the application, along with copies of our birth certificates and our marriage certifcate, $670, an appt. at the immigration office in Anchorage for our fingerprintsfro both of us and $160, and we can cross that one off the list! Am I forgetting anything for that one piece of paper? :}

And we've started the home study process! Our information packet is in the mail, and when we return our portion (more fingerprints...they can't share), FBI clearance, a health report on each of us (also will be needed for our dossier...they can share), and a written autobiography from each of us, and we'll be ready for visits from a home study preparer! (That, and $1450 plus travel from Anchorage to be ready).

We're starting to get just a glimpse of why adoptions are purely miraculous workings of God!

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