Monday, June 28, 2010

Yard Sale Fundraiser

Over Memorial Day weekend, Rebecca and I had a yard sale together...for her to raise funds for her missions trip to Ethiopia/Uganda this summer, and us for our adoption.

As busy as we both are, a lot of this happened in the wee hours of the morning.
We made these...

...and turned this...

...into this.

We learned several things:
1. We should have taken the time to do more publicity at the sale regarding why we were trying to raise money...if they had known more, people would have been more generous.

2. On Memorial Day weekend, there are two kinds of people. One kind is out camping/boating/fishing/having fun somewhere besides at garage sales. The other kind of person is having a garage sale. Between the two, there aren't a whole lot of people left to actually come buy things.

3. I can be really hot, even in Alaska, and despite only raising $300 (which was then split between us, meaning that overall, all the effort really wasn't worth it, esp. for us having made extra trips to Sol. to deliver stuff before the sale), my kids still had a lot of fun.
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1 comment:

Rebecca said...

*shudder* Looking at those pictures...I'm tired just thinking about all of it! :) It was a good learning experience tho, and hey, we did end up with at least a *little* more than we had before. And the kids had fun :) Thanks for all your help! Couldn't have done it without you!